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  • Welcome to Miami, Bienvenidos a Miami

    Welcome to Miami, Bienvenidos a Miami

     Hey. It’s been a sec. Welcome back! So, where have I been, and what have I been doing? Lots. A brief recap! Fresh out of high school in 2022, I moved to San Diego, California to attend the University of San Diego. I loved the school and met and befriended such incredible people there, but it […]

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  • Turning 20 (and thinking about time)

    Turning 20 (and thinking about time)

    In one week, I will enter my twenties.  I will stop being a teenager, and never be one again.  I’ve been thinking about it. In some ways, it feels crazy, maybe a bit scary. A reminder that time moves much faster than we want it to. A confirmation that I’m starting to leave my youth […]

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  • Seven Sustainability Ideas

    Seven Sustainability Ideas

    Every once in a while when I see a sad fact about the environment while scrolling Instagram and fall into a rut about the fact that we’re killing our only planet at a terrifying rate and no one seems to care, I usually turn to one of two things: And that happens decently often, so […]

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  • Quick thoughts on launching MYRIAD and also life!

    Quick thoughts on launching MYRIAD and also life!

    I’m about to press the button that’s floated at the top of my WordPress dashboard for over a year, and I won’t lie, it’s a little surreal. When I decided at the end of 2022 to start a blog, I had no clue where it would take me. The truth is, this has become something […]

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  • it was the best of times…

    it was the best of times…

    Fall 23: Part two (part one is posted, start there) LYRICS: And it all comes down to you Well you know that it does And lightning strikes, maybe once, maybe twice Oh, and it lights up the night And you see your gypsy You see your gypsy “Gypsy” by Fleetwood Mac TLDR: My life kinda […]

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  • …it was the worst of times

    …it was the worst of times

    Fall 23: Part one LYRICS: Why did I stay so long? Well I’m going to be fine I’ve been training for this moment My whole damn life And if, when I say what I need to say, and it makes you pull away Go on and kick me out of the band It’ll help me […]

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  • Somewhere between a newspaper girl and a career?

    Somewhere between a newspaper girl and a career?

    So this past semester, I started what I’ve been referring to as a “big girl job”. But let’s backtrack. My parents own a bakery. I grew up in it. When I was a baby, my parents would take me to work at 2 AM and put me to sleep in a bassinet on the main […]

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  • Fall at Rutgers, Passing Time, and Life Plans

    Fall at Rutgers, Passing Time, and Life Plans

    I’m starting to type this post on November 2nd, 2023 while sipping a hot oat milk latte at a coffee shop in downtown New Brunswick, NJ, a short walk from Rutgers University’s College Ave campus. I came to Rutgers in the fall of 2023, because I decided to not return to University of San Diego […]

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  • Vol 1 of My Zine

    Vol 1 of My Zine

    So I’m in college, and I’m currently taking this class called “Feminist Practices”. It’s been pretty cool. Anyway, my midterm was to create a lil mini zine online. I’ve always thought that zines were so interesting. If you don’t know what they are, they’re basically little pamphlets or magazines that started gaining popularity during the […]

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  • Freshman Year of College, Baby.

    Freshman Year of College, Baby.

    Senior Year, Decisions, California, Majors, Cars, and Questions. So, let me start off by telling you that I’ve always been a pretty high achiever in school, just objectively. I was in the higher math class in third grade, with Mrs. Ferrier in the corner classroom on the second floor of Ocean City Primary School. I […]

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  • Why MYRIAD exists and how it came to be…

    Why MYRIAD exists and how it came to be…

    A 2023 Goal In December of 2022, I was on winter break, I had just flown back to Jersey after spending the past months in my first semester as a college student, at the University of San Diego. My mom’s side of the family was having a family reunion at a hotel on the bay […]

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