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  • Vol 1 of My Zine

    Vol 1 of My Zine

    So I’m in college, and I’m currently taking this class called “Feminist Practices”. It’s been pretty cool. Anyway, my midterm was to create a lil mini zine online. I’ve always thought that zines were so interesting. If you don’t know what they are, they’re basically little pamphlets or magazines that started gaining popularity during the…

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  • Freshman Year of College, Baby.

    Freshman Year of College, Baby.

    Senior Year, Decisions, California, Majors, Cars, and Questions. So, let me start off by telling you that I’ve always been a pretty high achiever in school, just objectively. I was in the higher math class in third grade, with Mrs. Ferrier in the corner classroom on the second floor of Ocean City Primary School. I…

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  • Why MYRIAD exists and how it came to be…

    Why MYRIAD exists and how it came to be…

    A 2023 Goal In December of 2022, I was on winter break, I had just flown back to Jersey after spending the past months in my first semester as a college student, at the University of San Diego. My mom’s side of the family was having a family reunion at a hotel on the bay…

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